Editorial Issue 286 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online May Issue 286 is published 27 April 2023. The increasing spiral of tension and conflict across the world, perhaps greater than in any time since the 1950s is utterly depressing. Conflicts encompass Ukraine, Sudan, Iran; tension points affect China/Taiwan.

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Editorial Issue 285 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online March Issue 285 is published live 9 March 2023. A myriad of political and topical issues are swirling around, including the Inquiry on the Manchester Arena Bombing, frenzy around the leaked Covid WhatsApp messages and the proposal of the Windsor Framework negotiated Brexit deal.

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Editorial Issue 284 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online February Issue 284 is published live 26 January 2023. Many countries continue their descent into authoritarian rule; feeling powerless, we witness the brutal and heart-breaking consequences of naked aggression and war upon humans, animals and the environment.

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Editorial Issue 283 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online January Issue 283  is published live 8 December. Unfortunately the war in Ukraine rages on, Iranian women continue to protest against strict rules dictating about how they dress, and Chinese citizens are stridently protesting against the  Zero Covid policy  which have kept them in strict lockdowns for 3 years.

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Editorial Issue 282 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online November Issue 282 is published live on 20 October. Memorable events have occurred since the publication of Issue 281. These include the death of the Sovereign Monarch Queen Elizabeth II on the 8 Sept followed by 10 days of mourning and her funeral

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