editorial 256 Print Email

As we approach publication of Positive Health PH Online Issue 256, Boris Johnson has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party and the new Prime Minister of the UK. If ever there was a need to bring this polarized, divided country together and somehow work out Brexit without further turmoil, this is the time.

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editorial 255 Print Email

As we publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 255, having just commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Landings, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has resigned as Conservative Party Leader, triggering a leadership contest to choose the next Prime Minister.

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editorial 254 Print Email

 As we publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 254, I cannot recall a more bad-tempered, polarized, hostile, aggressive public and political atmospheric tone across the globe - UK, USA, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa. Just a few examples include the Christchurch mosque shootings killing and injuring 100 people, the coordinated suicide bombings on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, killing hundreds of worshipping Christians, the seemingly intractable military standoff in Libya, the Gilets Jaunes riots in Paris, Extinction Rebellion Climate Change demonstrations, the synagogue shooting near San Diego on the last day of Passover.  The weather has not been gentle either with Mozambique hit by cyclones Idai and Kenneth. So, not a very good-natured, harmonious time.

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Editorial 253 Print Email

In the past month of 2019 I have been both inspired and appalled by totally extreme types of medical practice. And have been mesmerized, spellbound, inspired, devastated yet remain hopeful in viewing The Parkinson’s Drug Trial: a Miracle Cure?, in my view possibly the best research documentary,  showcasing the complex research and surgical logistics and the human drama as it coincides with pharmaceutical cold realities.

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Editorial 252 Print Email

We have been publishing Positive Health PH Online for 25 years, with content spanning the entire spectrum of health through the lens of Complementary / Alternative (CAM) / Integrated treatment approaches. The subjects of PH Online articles, research, book reviews are hugely diverse, including  Mind/Body, Emotional, Psychospiritual, Nutritional, Herbal, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Aromatherapy, Bodywork, Cancer, ME/CFS.

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