Editorial Issue 290 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online November Issue 290 is published live 19 October. The unanticipated shock invasion and murder of >1300 Israelis  – including babies, men and women of all ages – in Israel by Hamas and deaths of >1500 Palestinians in revenge attacks has initiated an undefinable war scenario of unknowable dimensions at this time. The war in Ukraine continues with no clear ending scenario in sight.

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Editorial Issue 291 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online January 2024 Issue 291 is published live 7 December. The  shock invasion and murder of 1200 Israelis on 7 October by Hamas and deaths of perhaps 15000 Palestinians in revenge attacks has resulted in an epic humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

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Editorial Issue 289 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online September Issue 289 is published 7 September 2023. The international picture remains gloomy with the continuing war in Ukraine, as well as the death of the head of Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin who is confirmed to have died in a plane crash north of Moscow following DNA testing of the bodies found in the wreckage, which included many of Wagner comrades, according to the Russian investigative committee.

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Editorial Issue 288 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online August Issue 288 is published 27 July 2023. The big picture is not a happy one with the continuation of the war in Ukraine, escalating with Russia’s termination of the UN deal ensuring safe passage for grain shipments crossing the Black Sea, also stating it would treat ships heading for Ukrainian ports as potential military targets.

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Editorial Issue 287 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online June Issue 287 is published 8 June 2023. The worldview appears bleak, with serious conflicts raging in Europe – Russia’s war in Ukraine, Africa – warring Sudanese chiefs, and Uganda’s recent imposition of draconian penalties affecting homosexual practices.

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