Editorial Issue 294 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online May 2024 Issue 294 is published 25 April. The world outlook remains bleak, particularly following the recent explosive attack by Iran on Israel with hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles and the retaliatory Israeli strike.


The Ukraine-Russia and Gaza-Israeli wars continue, in addition to the other hot spots in Africa and the Far East. Upcoming elections in the US – Biden versus Trump? – and the UK continue to provoke tensions, including the criminal proceedings against the former President. The recent Charging with embezzlement of Peter Murrell – former chief executive of the SNP, was considered by the former first minister Nicola Sturgeon as "incredibly difficult".  

But the superior quality and authoritative clinical information within May 2024 Issue 294  make me happy and provide sustenance to continue

Here are a number of authoritative sites with a non-mainstream take on health news:

John Dee’s Almanac –  Exploring Excess Death (part 8)

Alliance for Natural Health International – Covid shots and mRNA declared class one carcinogens;

Dr Joseph Mercola – America's Infant Mortality Rate Increases for the First Time in 20 Years;

Professor Karol Sikora – Forcing children into masks for hours on end was a truly appalling decision.

Positive Health PH Online May 2024 Issue 294 publishes a wide spectrum of authoritative editorial features encompassing a diverse range of clinical treatment approaches encompassing Mind / Body / Spirit including Editorial Features,  Letters to the EditorResearch Updates and Short Features and Brief Takes

The passing of the Reverend Simon House has brought tributes from throughout the entire communities encompassing Environmental, Women’s Health, and Epigenetics issues. David Marsh in his article The Costs of Mental Ill-Health and of Children with Special Needs – A Tribute to the Late Reverend Simon House in this Issue 294 paid Tribute:

“Simon’s meticulous work on optimum nutrition for brain health and pre- and perinatal nutrition describes how the health of both father and mother is critical during at least 6 months before conception, and that of the mother during pregnancy and 4 years after birth for the best outcomes for having happy, healthy children.

“He and Roy Ridgeway wrote a book, The Unborn Child: Beginning a Whole Life and Overcoming  Problems of Early Origin   (https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429483578 ) in 2006 which was a landmark with vital messages and information for parents, potential parents and grandparents, as well as professionals with responsibility for children, and bringing babies into the world. It was translated into several languages.”

An Extract from A Tribute from Professor M A Crawford Presented at his Funeral: Rev Simon House  – Meritorious Services to Global Mental Health:

“Simon was also to be honoured by the Brain Trust as Brain of the Year,  an honour he richly deserved having published pioneering papers identifying the cause of mental ill health in adverse maternal/foetal nutrition and advocated with a strong and evidence-based voice for attention to be given to the nutrition of mothers before conception.

“The papers he has written and chapters in books are monuments to Simon. I have seldom read such beautifully and elegantly written papers on the reproductive process and the importance of maternal nutrition before conception and through pregnancy and its relevance to the prevention of the escalating but unsung crisis on mental ill-health and falling IQ.”

The following editorial features discuss Mind/Body Spiritual/Psychosocial aspects of our health and attitudes

The Chill Pill For Anxiety

How You See the World…

Creating A Harmonious Home 

Can Depression Be Fatal and How Can It Be Cured?

These articles integrate clinical approaches to our everyday life and health :

Aromatherapy Adventure – Exploring the Power of Plants in France

Four Top Tips to Create an Inclusive SEND-Friendly Space

Knowing Health

Super Patch – Quantum Innovation

The following articles discuss nutritional and biochemical aspects of our health and wellbeing:

The Costs of Mental Ill-Health and of Children with Special Needs - A Tribute to the Late Reverend Simon House

Research Shows Modern Humans’ Brain Size has Shrunk by 20%

The following editorial features focus upon bodywork and mind/body treatments

Come Home to Your Body: The Journey of Feeling Safe in Your Body

Training for Your Body Type

Letters to the Editor Issue 294 include topics: American Heart Association's Irresponsible News Release of the Intermittent Fasting Study; Findings from European ME Alliance Pan-European ME Patient Survey – EFNA; PODO Launches Mobile Clinic for Quality, Bespoke Orthotics; New Research will Target Earliest Stages of Bone Marrow Cancer; Two Cups of Tea Daily can Improve Sleep and Cut Stress; AI’s Ability to Detect Tumor Cells Could be Key to More Accurate Bone Cancer Prognoses;

Research Updates Issue 294 include Research in the following areas: acupuncture, AIDS, cancer, herbal medicine, meditation, sleep, yoga.

As a genuine tonic to counter the general malaise of the present time I fervently recommend PH Online May 2024 Issue 294 for your critical reading, enjoyment and clinical enrichment.

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