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Germanium - The Health & Life Enhancer

PREFACE    |   INTRODUCTION   |   CHAPTER 1   |   CHAPTER 2   |   CHAPTER 3   |   CHAPTER 4   |   CHAPTER 5   |   CHAPTER 6   |   CHAPTER 7   |   CHAPTER 8   |   CHAPTER 9   |   CHAPTER 10   |   CHAPTER 11   |   CHAPTER 12   |   CHAPTER 13   |   CHAPTER 14   |   CHAPTER 15   |   REFERENCES


Regimes For Taking Organic Germanium

The Asai Germanium Clinic Regime

Dr. Asai believed that there are three vital elements which greatly facilitate healing: 1. The individual must be firmly convinced that he/she will get better; 2. Strict attention must be paid to diet to maintain a proper acid/alkali balance; 3. Great attention, including positive measures of stress reduction, be devoted to the promotion of a healthy oxygen supply, crucial to a healthy cell metabolism.

Well-Balanced Diet

According to the Oriental dietary system, which classifies foods according to their acid or alkali-forming qualities, a healing diet is one which maintains the pH of the bodily fluids slightly alkaline at pH 7.2 to 7.4.

For those acquainted with other types of dietary regimes which may advocate seemingly contradictory advice, it is advisable not to mix different healing systems. Each healing tradition works within its own frame of reference, and as long as one is faithful to that particular frame of reference, positive results are likely to be obtained. The oriental classification of foods according to their acidity or alkalinity is difficult to rationalize with western biochemical notions of nutrition. This is a classic example of the dichotomy separating holistic and reductionist world views. Regardless of one's adherence or otherwise to this system, Oriental healing diets, such as Macrobiotics, have been some of the most effective against even "terminal" illnesses such as cancer and more recently, AIDS.

Acid-forming foods tend to acidify the blood, while alkaline foods do the reverse. In order to maintain a slightly alkaline pH, highly acidic foods should be avoided, as should excessive intake of animal fats and proteins. In general, one's diet should be centred around whole natural vegetable foods, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, etc, with an emphasis upon balance. The following table is extracted from "The Book of Whole Meals" by Annemarie Colbin (14)


Acid Forming Foods Alkalizing Foods
Sugar/Honey Fruit


Nuts Raw vegetables
White flour Cooked vegetables
Fish Sea vegetables
Fowl Kuzu
Eggs Fresh beans
Meat Sea salt
Milk Regular salt
Butter Shoyu
Cheese Miso

Oxygen Supply/Stress Reduction

As discussed in Chapter 4, oxygen is not a substance to be taken for granted. An oxygen deficiency can have far-reaching toxic consequences; healing is inestimably facilitated by oxygen promoting practices. At the Asai Germanium clinic, an attempt is made to bring into balance the entire lifestyle of the individual, so as to maximize the natural healing abilities of the individual, which are also enhanced by organic Germanium.

Stress, anxiety, fear, all can promote oxygen deficiency within the body. Practices which induce relaxation can create a glow, a harmony, an expansiveness of positive hope, a sense of fulfillment and contentment, which greatly enhances healing. Therefore, practices such as yoga, meditation, walking, breath awareness, in fact anything which is relaxing, would absolutely support any therapeutic programme.

Organic Germanium

The dosages prescribed by the physicians at the Asai Germanium Clinic vary according to each individual. For serious illnesses such as cancer, high doses of organic Germanium, in the range of between 500mg to 1 gm daily are often prescribed. This may be in combinations of liquid and/or powder forms.

The Asai Germanium Clinic does not export organic Germanium. In order to receive Ge-132 treatment at the Asai Clinic, it is necessary to visit there in person. The following is excerpted from a letter sent from the Asai Clinic regarding Ge-132 treatment:

"...........The doctor in charge will diagnose the present condition of the patient and examine, in detail, any previous illnesses, complications and associated conditions. The patient's age, height, weight and nourishment, ingestion, urination, defecation and sleep conditions, etc. are also checked. And if necessary, the samples of patient's urine and blood are taken for serological hematological analyses and other examinations. According to the results obtained, the daily dosage and number of doses of Ge-132 considered to be most effective for each patient are determined.

In this way, Ge-132 is to be administered to the patients themselves with medical instructions necessary for the course of treatment. If the patient is not examined in detail, the daily dosage and number of doses cannot be determined and effective treatment cannot be expected. One hundred patients afflicted with the same disease have to be given completely different dosage of Ge-132 per day according to the conditions mentioned above.............."

European Clinical Regimes

Each practitioner is different and may emphasize different treatment practices. However, in examining case histories from practitioners in several European countries, several common features emerge in the course of Germanium treatment of the patient.

The European practitioners prescribing organic Germanium have also been practising a variety of alternative medical therapies, including oxygen/ozone therapy, vitamin, mineral, and natural therapies, dietary therapies, acupuncture, homeopathy. Patients encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from cancer patients diagnosed as "terminal", already having had one or more operations, and perhaps other anti-cancer treatments, to aged victims afflicted with arthritis and other debilitating diseases.

In the majority of case history reports which I viewed, the practitioner has usually added organic Germanium to the regime of other therapies prescribed, therefore making it difficult to compare dosages of Germanium prescribed, and, indeed, to attribute any observed therapeutic effects solely to organic Germanium. However, the practitioners with extensive experience with organic Germanium have prescribed doses ranging from 200 to 1200 mg daily, depending on the individual. Because of the variety of treatments employed, it has therefore been difficult to assess rigorously the effects of organic Germanium in many instances.

US Clinical Trials With Spirogermanium

Several oncology groups in North America have performed Phase I and II clinical trials with Spirogermanium on patients suffering from a variety of cancers. While the in vitro, animal studies and Phase I data with Spirogermanium are comparable to those of Ge-132 and Sanumgerman, it is interesting to note that in many of the trials, Spirogermanium frequently had limited effects on the course of the cancers (8,11-12,19-20,24-26,47,57,82,94,107,109).

While it can be reasonably argued that these clinical trials are actually more scientific and rigorous than the clinical experience from Japan, and that they represent "real" and "unbiased" clinical situations, there are several factors worth noting in relation to overall clinical trial management practice employed in western medicine in general and with the Spirogermanium trials in particular, which may contribute to the seemingly "inactive" results of this drug.

Patient Eligibility Criteria

Many patients participating in the Spirogermanium trials had been "heavily pre-treated". This means that these individuals had already received other forms of treatment for their cancers, including possibly surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy regimes, and that they had failed to respond to these other treatments. In view of the highly cytoxic effects of some of these regimes, and the frequently devastating effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment upon the immune system, it is hardly surprising that the Spirogermanium treatment failed to elicit a positive response.

The Spirogermanium was administered to the hospitalized individuals intravenously. This is in stark contrast to the Japanese regime where the individual is responsible for and takes an active role in his Germanium treatment. The western clinical trial procedure places a patient in a passive, virtually non-participatory role, receiving yet another treatment for his/her cancer. For an individual's belief that he will get better to play a role in the healing process, studies must be designed to enable the person to marshall the powerful healing forces of his mind. Western clinical trials whereby individuals are admitted on the basis that every other treatment has failed, hardly provide a basis for positive hope for that particular treatment.

There are currently three double blind randomized clinical trials ongoing in Japan with Ge-132 with lung, gastrointestinal cancers and shingles. The results from these studies, if positive, may contain a wealth of information not only about organic Germanium, but also regarding the entire treatment model in the West, which makes the individual a passive spectator to the treatment of his own illness. In such cases, the objectives of scientific enquiry may be satisfied, but at the cost of the patient dying. The ultimate objective of any treatment or study must be the life and health of the individual, not the establishment of the efficacy of a particular treatment. It may be necessary to sacrifice some "objectivity" in order to save lives; since when is this out of step with the most sacred vows of the Hippocratic oath?

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