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Germanium - The Health & Life Enhancer

PREFACE    |   INTRODUCTION   |   CHAPTER 1   |   CHAPTER 2   |   CHAPTER 3   |   CHAPTER 4   |   CHAPTER 5   |   CHAPTER 6   |   CHAPTER 7   |   CHAPTER 8   |   CHAPTER 9   |   CHAPTER 10   |   CHAPTER 11   |   CHAPTER 12   |   CHAPTER 13   |   CHAPTER 14   |   CHAPTER 15   |   REFERENCES


Chapter 3:
Organic Germanium And The Immune System

Life Without Any Defences
For a moment, imagine that you have been reduced in size to a microscopic speck of dust, and that you inhabit the world from this perspective. The air, which before had been a gentle, caressing breeze, now threatens to knock you over like a gale-force wind. Floating through the air, you are, in fact, a "sitting duck" for bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans and countless other minuscule creatures which you may have previously ignored or thoughtlessly trampled. You are seemingly naked and vulnerable to attack and engulfment. Pollutants, in the form of chemicals, acid rain, heavy metals, and radiation, natural and man-designed, all bombard you, and you are overwhelmed by the intensity of the onslaught. Your life is exceedingly shortlived.

This is not a dream or illusion. This is reality. We are, in fact, immersed in an atmosphere of potentially hostile chemicals and organisms which could literally wipe us out in short order. What prevents this from happening in the great majority of instances is our extraordinary defence network, the immune system. Even the word system does not do justice in conveying the intricately and coordinated degree of orchestration that occurs between the many cells, organs and products of the immune system, which do such a masterful job of maintaining our biological, health-full integrity.

The media have reported about the tragically circumscribed lives of children born with deficient immune systems who needed to live their lives in an artificial environment, a plastic sterilized bubble. Heart transplant patients, who receive immuno-suppressive drugs to minimize rejection, are kept in aseptic environments due to their susceptibility to opportunistic infections. And perhaps the most pervasive and generally life threatening of all immune diseases is AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) virus, which destroys key components of the immune system, leaving a person open to attack by organisms and infections that would normally be successfully countered by a properly functioning immune system. Contracting the HIV virus, which destroys a key component necessary to initiate defence against infection, is tantamount to living naked without an immune system. However, as will be seen in this and other sections of the book, organic Germanium is one of a variety of immune enhancing substances which can, by empowering the various components of the immune system, restore balance and thereby health to the individual.

Defence Network - The Germanium Connection
The immune system is not simple. It is not just one organ, in one part of the body. It is an inter-connected network of many types of specialized cells, primary and secondary organs, situated throughout the body, under hormonal control from the endocrine system, and open to modulation by the mind. Much scientifically detailed information has accumulated over recent years about the workings of the various components of the immune system. Our growing understanding of the inter-relationship between the Mind (thoughts), Emotions, the Immune system and body health has come about partly as a result of research developments in the now inter-related fields of psychology, neurophysiology and biochemistry (96).

Organic Germanium is an immune modulator and enhancer. Elegant immunological research at the molecular level in Japan, has elucidated the basis for organic Germanium's anti-tumour activity. This has been found to be the coordinated interplay and expression of components of the immune system - interferon, macrophages, T suppressor cells and natural killer cells. There may be other immune components which may be modulated in other ways in other diseases, which have yet to be uncovered.

Germanium's immuno-modulating properties are probably one of its most significant attributes, along with its oxygen enrichment and anti-oxidant properties, which explain its extraordinary effect in restoring health in so-many types of illness. The immune system acts at a fundamental level of the body. Empowering the immune system is literally strengthening the basic building blocks or the foundation of a building. Strengthening the immune system will have far-reaching effects on every part of a person's body. Knowledge of the various cell types and overall functioning of the immune system may be critical to an individual, especially in view of the preponderance today of immune-type diseases, including cancer, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosa. An overall understanding of the immune system will enhance an individual's ability to assess the attributes of various immune modulating substances and intelligently cooperate with the health practitioner.

Cells Of The Immune System

Just as organs are composed of various tissues, which are in turn composed of various cells, so the immune system is comprised of various tiers of organs and cell types, distributed all over the body. The main immune cell types are found among the so-called white cells, or leukocyte cells, which are distinct from red, oxygen carrying cells of the blood. The main immune cells consist of B cells, T cells and Macrophages. B and T cells, also called lymphocytes, begin life in the liver of a nine-week foetus, migrate to the bone marrow, where they begin to specialize and develop along certain lines relating to their future function. The B cells remain and mature in the bone marrow, and hence are called B-cells, for bone marrow derived, while the T cells (thymus-derived) migrate to the thymus gland where they mature.

One type of B cell is the plasma cell, which produces antibodies against foreign invaders called antigens. There are a number of antibodies, designated IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, and IgD, which specialize in fighting different types of invaders to the body. Another type of B cell is the memory cell which helps to develop rapid antibody response to antigens to which the individual has previously been exposed. B cells are involved in humoral immunity.

There are a number of types of T cells, which, together with Macrophages, are involved in cell-mediated immunity. These include T helper or T4 cells, which stimulate B cells and other T cells to activate an immune response to antigens. T4 cells are infected and destroyed by the HIV virus. Because they are one of the first in a chain reaction of responses to infection, decimation of these cells by the AIDS virus leaves the individual vulnerable to attack from normally innocuous organisms. T suppressor or T8 cells, provide an immune feedback inhibitory mechanism, to keep the immune response in balance. T suppressor cells prevent B cells from being turned on by antigen, and inhibit T4 response. These cells have been found to inhibit expression of the HIV virus in HIV seropositive men who are healthy and do not show symptoms of AIDS (110). The induction of T suppressor cells by organic Germanium is correlated with its antiarthritic activity. Other T cells are the Natural Killer or T cytotoxic cells which combat foreign cells directly with toxin. Macrophages are produced in the bone marrow. They surround and gobble up (phagocytosis) antigens, processing them for easier recognition by T cells.

One class of substances produced by white cells and which plays a vital role in the whole interplay of immune cell types are the interferons, which possess potent antiviral activity. As we shall see, organic Germanium stimulates the production of interferon which plays a key role in immune modulation and anti-cancer activity.

Organs Of The Immune System
The primary organs of the immune or lymphatic system are the thymus and bone marrow. The thymus gland, pyramid-shaped with many lobes, each with an outer cortex and an inner medulla, is located beneath the breastbone. The T cells mature in the cortex, then migrate to the medulla for release during immune challenge. The bone marrow, site of red cell and macrophage production, and B cell maturation, is the soft material found in long bones of the arms and legs.

One of the secondary organs of the immune system is actually a network of lymph nodes, situated throughout the body andinterconnected via vessels which drain the organs served. Lymph nodes are compartmentalized with B cells, T cells and Macrophages. The spleen, located on the left side of the abdomen between the stomach, kidney and ribs, facilitates the interaction of B cells, T cells, macrophages and antigen-reactive cells, and aids in the recirculation of white cells. Another secondary organ, the tonsils also contain B and T cells. The other secondary immune organs are the appendix, Peyer's patches and intestinal nodes, which serve as drainage points of the lymphatic system. They are also the site of B cell maturation and antibody production in the intestines.

Organic Germanium's Immune-Enhancing Properties
Elegant research at the molecular and clinical levels has reproducibly demonstrated that organic Germanium has significant immune-enhancing properties in animals and humans. Furthermore, the mechanism of organic Germanium's anti-tumour activity has been proposed as the coordinated modulation of immune components. The following is a list of organic Germanium's known actions on the immune system; it is indeed possible that organic Germanium influences other immune transmitters that remain to be investigated.

Organic Germanium stimulates the production of immune (gamma) interferon.
Organic Germanium activates resting macrophages and converts them to cytoxic (killer) macrophages.
Organic Germanium stimulates Natural Killer (NK) Cell activity.
Organic Germanium stimulates the production of T suppressor cells.
Organic Germanium augments decreased immunity and restores impaired immunoresponse in aged mice.
The detailed published research studies which document the above statements are fully cited at the end of the book (3,4,72,87,99-104,106). Many of these have been done by Japanese researchers with Ge-132. However, reports of Sanumgerman's augmentation of Natural Killer cells and Spirogermanium's induction of T suppressor cells would seem to indicate that all these organic Germanium compounds are immuno-modulatory in similar fundamental ways.

Organic Germanium Induces Interferon With Anti-Viral Activity
United States Patent No. 4,473,581, entitled "Organogermanium Induction of Interferon Production" (44), describes in detail immune properties of Ge-132, in particular those related to the production of interferon:

The anti-viral activity, or ability of the induced interferon to inhibit viral replication was investigated. Viral infection inhibitory activity, which was dose-dependent and species specific, was detected in the serum of mice 25 hours after administration of Ge-132.
From the physical and chemical analyses, it was concluded that the interferon induced was immune (type II) gamma interferon.
Ge-132 induced the formation of activated macrophages in mice cells.
Ge-induced interferon displays marked anti-tumour activity, through the activity of activated macrophages.
Ge induces interferon and activated macrophages in humans as well as in mice.
Organic Germanium Enhances Activity Of Natural Killer (Nk) Cells
Administration of Sanumgerman to mice significantly enhanced the cytolytic activity of Natural Killer (NK) cells, in a dose-responsive manner (31).
These stimulatory effects were seen as early as day 2, peaked at about day 4, and by days 6-8, returned to normal.
Compared to controls of 10% cytolysis, the activity of NK cells of Germanium-treated mice reached 27-33% cytolysis.
Antitumour Activity Of Organic Germanium Via Immune Modulation

The unravelling of how organic Germanium works in inhibiting cancer growth, as it reads in the published literature, is like an exciting mystery novel. I would like to excerpt one small example from this scientific saga, without intending to slight the many other contributors along the way. The researchers are

Suzuki, Brutkiewicz and Pollard, collaborating scientists from Japan and the USA. Up until then, the following was known:

Ge-132 exhibited antitumor activity against certain cancerous tumours.
T-cells and Macrophages were involved in anticancer protection.
The protective effect could be transferred to tumour-bearing mice either by Ge-sera (Interferon) or Ge-Macrophages.
Macrophages from Ge-treated mice could inhibit tumour growth in vitro.
Interferon was present in Ge-treated mice. When the interferon was inactivated, the antitumour activity was abolished.
The foregoing suggested that T-cells, Macrophages and lymphokine(s), or Interferon, all played a role in the expression of the antitumour effect of Ge-132. The scientists then set about to determine the cooperative role of the Macrophages and the lymphokine (or Interferon) in Ge-132's antitumour activity. The results of these experiments were published in 1986 in the journal Anticancer Research. The title of the paper is "Cooperation of Lymphokine(s) and Macrophages in Expression of Antitumor Activity of Carboxyethylgermanium Sesquioxide (Ge-132) (104). The sequence by which organic Germanium inhibits tumour growth occurs is via the following coordinated immune modulations:

Ge stimulates T-cells to produce circulatory lymphokines (most likely gamma Interferon).
These lymphokines (Interferon) generate activated Macrophages from resting Macrophages.
The tumours are inhibited by the activated Macrophages.

The conclusions drawn from this work illustrate the fine detail in understanding that has evolved from research on the immunological modulations effected by organic Germanium. Further fine details are added here, but it is almost certain that research has far outstripped the published literature from 1986.

Ge requires T-cells to produce its antitumour effects, but T-cells themselves are not required in the host for the antitumour effect. It is suggested that Ge needs T-cells to produce the gamma Interferon, which plays a role in antitumour activity.
Ge activates Macrophages, antitumour activity of Ge is expressed in conjunction with Macrophage functions, and Ge requires activated Macrophages for expression of antitumour activity.
Relationship Of The Immune System To The Entire Organism
When focusing on the fine microscopic details of scientific research one frequently can't see "the forest for the trees". The individual components of the immune system, the T cells, Natural Killer cells, Macrophages, etc. are the tools by which we are healed. There is an organic process, encompassing the Mind emitting thoughts and emotions, involving the food and chemicals we ingest, our genetic makeup, our general physical condition, all of which activate various neuro and immuno transmitters which then travel to the various organs and call into effect the "foot soldiers", the immune cells, which actually attack and destroy the foreign invaders.

Organic Germanium, with its potent immuno-stimulatory effects, can be a powerful healer, especially when supported by other health-supporting practices, such as mental relaxation, proper nutrition, and exercise. These facts should be especially borne in mind with respect to the most challenging and pervasive disease of the immune system - AIDS.

Organic Germanium and AIDS?
In AIDS, the HIV virus infects and destroys T4 or T-helper cells, which are the cells which help to turn on the entire immune response process (28,29). The gradual result of this is an almost total immune vulnerability of the individual to any foreign antigen. Approaches to AIDS are several-fold:

Develop a vaccine which stimulates the production of antibodies which kill the virus thereby conferring immunity on the individual.
Apply substances which either prevent HIV from infecting T4 cells, such as AL-721, or inhibit its replication, like AZT.
Work with the body's own immune-enhancing mechanisms of keeping the virus in check, such as T-suppressor cells, which appear to prevent the expression of the virus, as reported by researchers in California in 1986 (76,110).
Strengthen the immune system using all means available - meditation, stress reduction, diet, nutrition, exercise, emotional and spiritual fulfillment.
All of these strategies are valuable, and should be pursued concurrently. The bulk of research money is currently devoted to the development of a vaccine, and the majority of media coverage ignores other treatments which may be less spectacular, but in the end may save many lives without adverse side effects or huge sums of money. It would appear to make good scientific as well as common sense that by strengthening all aspects of the immune system, an individual with HIV infection could manage to keep healthy and prevent the development of AIDS. Publications detailing results of various alternative treatments of HIV infection are appended at the end of this book (5,113).

There is no scientific literature published to date regarding the effects of organic Germanium on AIDS or on the HIV virus. However, in view of organic Germanium's effects on stimulating Interferon, enhancing Natural Killer Cell activity, and activating Macrophages and T-suppressor cells, it would appear eminently plausible that organic Germanium could have invaluable therapeutic properties in the treatment of AIDS, without any of the toxic side effects accompanying so many of the present drug treatments. Germanium has been discussed as a potentially promising anti-AIDS agent at a conference held in Japan in 1987 (93).

Several preliminary anecdotal case reports have been communicated about the successful use of organic Germanium in clearing Kaposi's sarcoma and other lesions. With a view to scientifically establish the possible therapeutic value of organic Germanium, and to stimulate interest in organic Germanium AIDS research, the author is presently planning a double-blind trial with organic Germanium with AIDS patients in the UK.

The immune system is not an isolated part of the body - it is integrally linked to the whole organism, and is therefore amenable to enhancement by many practices. Organic Germanium appears to enhance and restore balance at a fundamental level and therefore supports health in a thoroughly natural way.



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