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Germanium - The Health & Life Enhancer

PREFACE    |   INTRODUCTION   |   CHAPTER 1   |   CHAPTER 2   |   CHAPTER 3   |   CHAPTER 4   |   CHAPTER 5   |   CHAPTER 6   |   CHAPTER 7   |   CHAPTER 8   |   CHAPTER 9   |   CHAPTER 10   |   CHAPTER 11   |   CHAPTER 12   |   CHAPTER 13   |   CHAPTER 14   |   CHAPTER 15   |   REFERENCES


Chapter 2:
Organic Germanium Compounds And What They Do

Therapeutic Properties Of Organic Germanium
Twenty years have passed since the original synthesis of an organic Germanium compound. During that period, organic Germanium has been used clinically in many parts of the world to treat a wide spectrum of illnesses, and has been the subject of extensive research in many disciplines: pathology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, oncology and neurochemistry.

Organic Germanium has been used in a broad spectrum of regimes - on its own, with diet and stress counselling, and as a drug in cancer trials, in conjunction with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Drawing these sources of information together gives quite a solid overview of the fundamental aspects of organic Germanium.

The safety of organic Germanium has been well-documented, as has its health promoting effects in many diseases, including cancer and arthritis. Case histories, and in some instances, clinical trials, have documented Organic Germanium's therapeutic effects in treating the following conditions:

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Rheumatism
Cancer - Colon, Prostate, Breast, Lung, Ovarian, Cervical
Senile Osteoporosis
Mental Disorders -Depressive Psychoses, Schizophrenia,
Digestive Disorders -Gastritis, Ulcers
Cardiac Disorders - Angina, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis, Apoplexy, Cardiac Infarction
Circulatory Disturbances - Raynaud's Disease,
Parkinson's Disease
Cerebral Sclerosis
Skin Eruptions - Warts, Corns, Eczemas, Burns, Herpes
Old-Age Infirmities
Eye Diseases - Glaucoma, Black Cataracts, Detached Retinas, Inflammation Of The Retina And Optic Nerves, Behcet's Disease
Double-blind, controlled studies have been carried out on several of the above conditions, particularly in cancer. Although individual case histories are not in themselves sufficient proof to the scientist of a substance's effectiveness, positive results obtained with organic Germanium over many years with large numbers of patients with many disorders, certainly provides a basis for more rigorous testing of organic Germanium's therapeutic properties.

Organic Germanium Compounds
Ge-132: Carboxyethyl Germanium Sesquioxide
The organic germanium compound carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide or Ge-132 was synthesized by Asai's group in 1967. Details of its synthesis and crystal structure were published in 1976 in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (108).

The synthesis is carried out by the hydrolysis of an organogermanium trichloride. Of the four Germanium electrons, three are bonded with an oxygen atom; the fourth electron is a free radical. A regular symmetrical lattice network is formed, as shown in diagram . The biochemical significance of this crystalline structure will become apparent, in discussing organic Germanium's ability to scavenge free radicals, protect against radiation, enrich the body's oxygen supply and rid the body of heavy metals.

Sanumgerman, chemical name, lactate-citrate-germanate, is an organic Germanium product manufactured by Sanum-Kehlbeck in West Germany. This company has had a close association with Dr. Asai, and has been developing and researching formulations of organic Germanium for more than a decade.

The development of the organic Germanium compound Sanumgerman grew out of the cancer research findings of oncologist Dr.Seeger of the Robert-Koch Institute, Berlin dating from 1938. Dr. Seeger had been investigating electro-chemical metabolic processes at the cellular level which caused normal cells to become cancerous. In his search for electronic acceptors which would cause cancer cells to revert to normal, he tested Dr. Asai's organic Germanium compound, which he found to be highly effective.

The close relationship between Dr. Seeger and the founder of the firm Sanum-Kehlbeck, Heinrich Kehlbeck, deepened, with extensive research aimed at developing an effective organic Germanium at Sanum's laboratories. After many years and variations of organic ligands, the compound germanium-lactate-citrate was found to be optimum.

Sanumgerman has been extensively used by practitioners throughout Europe for about 10 years. The safety and research data compare and confirm the results obtained with Ge-132, although no studies comparing the two formulations have as yet been done.

Spirogermanium, synthesized by Rice et al (83), is an organic germanium compound, belonging to a class of azaspirane compounds. Spirogermanium has been evaluated for its anticancer and antiarthritic activity by Smith Kline & French Laboratories. Its patent rights are owned by Unimed Inc., USA. The research data on this organic Germanium's mode of action corroborate results obtained with Ge-132 and Sanumgerman; however, this compound has been developed and treated as a drug rather than as a nutritional supplement, and exhibits some transient neurological toxicity. Spirogermanium is not currently available on the market.

documenting the scientific basis for Dr. Asai's originally intuitive ideas of organic Germanium's therapeutic properties.


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