Editorial Issue 36 Print Email

What attributes make for a good practitioner, and, perhaps, more importantly, which sort of practitioner is right for you and your particular health problem?

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Editorial Issue 35 Print Email

The concept "you are responsible for creating your reality" has been around in various guises for ages. My father would say "the way you make your bed you will lie in it", and another expression "as ye sow, so ye shall reap", dates from biblical times.

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Editorial Issue 29 Print Email

Shakespeare may have said that music has charms to soothe the savage breast, but this savage breast is not soothed by the enormous amount of misinformation about, especially regarding the efficacy of conventional medical treatment for serious conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.

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Editorial Issue 28 Print Email

There is a clichéd and outmoded notion that as we grow older we get more rigid in our beliefs and ways of viewing the world. As a teenager I enthusiastically embraced the slogan that you couldn't trust anyone over the age of 30. Now, I am more certain about the importance of moderation and healthy lifestyle, yet less certain about many practises and beliefs – nutritional and spiritual – I used to take on board. However, as I get older I have started to realise that the strength of my beliefs is often more down to cycles or phases I am going through, rather than a strictly linear chronological progression.

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Editorial Issue 27 Print Email

Can you remember those times in your life when you have suffered a severe disappointment – when the penny finally dropped that someone close to you, or whom you trusted, had betrayed you or behaved in a way which caused devastating consequences?

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