Editorial Issue 22 Print Email

I and others of like mind have been railing against the hopelessly divided systems of “orthodox” and “complementary” medicine for more than a decade. Now, finally, the new buzzword is ‘integrative medicine’, and not a day too soon in my opinion.

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Editorial Issue 21 Print Email

I suppose that I behave like most other people when hit by a particular health problem. On the one hand, I am driven to discover the nature and diagnosis of the problem to satisfy my medical and scientific curiosity, and on the other, I secretly hope to be magically (and quickly) healed by some practitioner who could just look at me, know what is wrong and fix it painlessly. Unfortunately, I have been seeking these wonderful all-seeing, all-knowing practitioners all my life – if you ever meet one of them, please send me their details.

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Editorial Issue 20 Print Email

Dreams, Visions, Goals. These are the stuff which inspire and motivate us, fire our passion and spirit and, through our conscious and unconscious actions, ultimately determine and create our reality. Our rich unconscious repertoire of symbolic imagery – used as metaphor – can also help to guide us to solve physical or emotional problems, a process beautifully described by Kendall Dowie (see page 5).

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Editorial Issue 19 Print Email

Deepak Chopra enunciates the self-evident yet profound truth (see interview page 27), that every diet works for some people, but that no diet works for everyone, since we are all uniquely individual.

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Editorial Issue 18 Print Email

Nearly 40 years ago, a young child critically ill with meningitis, I lay close to death in a Montreal hospital. Memories of the attempts of the doctors to diminish the pain of spinal lumbar punctures ("this will feel like a mosquito prick"), my mother's despair that I wouldn't survive (her reply "oh yeah?" to a comment that I would soon be fine), and the frightening noises in the neurological ward, are crystal clear these many years later.

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