Editorial Issue 48 Print Email

I sometimes fantasise (as I know many of us do) about what it would be like to live in another era, say before electricity, the car, radio, television, or the telephone. In fact, to many centenarians alive today, the miracle of seeing something happening live on television around the world, or even picking up the telephone and speaking to someone on another continent, must seem as fantastic as flying through outer space appears to us.

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Editorial Issue 47 Print Email

The Government has appointed a Cancer Supremo to try to prevent 100,000 cancer deaths over the next 10 years. On the news bulletins have been reports of more money, more Consultants, more student doctors available for cancer training, more operations, more drugs, more tests – you get the picture!

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Editorial Issue 46 Print Email

It has been exciting to be able to review two outstanding books in this issue (please see pages 5-8), both documenting how nutrition can radically improve our health and even alleviate pain and suffering.

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Editorial Issue 45 Print Email

Don't we tend to pride ourselves with being well-informed and knowledgeable? With all the high-tech gizmos, internet and network communications available, don't we congratulate ourselves with our knowledge of the most recent advances in the health and sciences?

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Editorial Issue 44 Print Email

There are few subjects more emotive, and dare I say political, than food and diet. Just reflect upon the billions spent in advertising all manner of food and beverages, mainly of the non-nutritious variety – chocolate, sugary breakfast cereals, crisps, cakes, coffee, tea, alcohol, as well as beauty products such as shampoos, face creams and deodorants containing nutrients like vitamins, or herbs such as aloe vera or jojoba oil.

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