Editorial Issue 53 Print Email

As a child growing up in relatively affluent Canada during the 1950s and 60s, some of my most powerful formative influences were the frequent famines and horrors of conflict – the wars in Biafra, and the Congo, starving children in India and Pakistan. Layered on top were the ghastly polio epidemics which interceded into my childhood summers, with the spectre of iron lungs and paralysis brazen images onto my psyche. These events, together with the enormous scientific and medical advances which promised to put an end to hunger and disease, and my father's exhortations that with my brains I could significantly help mankind, hugely shaped my motivation to try to help people who were ill and starving.

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Editorial Issue 52 Print Email

You may have seen the recent headlines claiming that vitamin C causes clogged arteries and may therefore be a risk to heart disease. You may wonder what I, as an author of a book on vitamin C, containing hundreds of scientific studies pointing to vitamin C's role in preventing and even reversing atherosclerosis, could make of such bizarre headlines.

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Editorial Issue 51 Print Email

I get really furious when so-called experts pronounce utter nonsense in an authoritative way to their captive audience on radio or television. So, imagine my reaction while listening to a recent Radio 4 call-in programme about sports injuries. A caller phoned in about an injury, said that they had heard about using certain nutritional supplements to speed the healing process, but their doctor had said that taking supplements was a complete waste of time and money. The sports therapist expert prefaced his next remark with "I am not an expert in nutrition" and then said words to the effect of "but I would completely agree with your doctor. Eating a balanced diet is all that you need. Nutritional supplements are no better than waving a magic wand at your injuries."

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Editorial Issue 50 Print Email

Given the ongoing somewhat ferocious scrutiny regarding the safety of the many diverse therapies within Complementary Medicine – Aromatherapy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine – to name a few, one would think that patients were dropping like flies, succumbing to the "dangers" of natural medicine.

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Editorial Issue 49 Print Email

While there is no shortage of acceptable practitioners around, when I have a health problem to sort out, I have always found it difficult to locate that really superb therapist who hits on the "correct" approach for my particular problem at that point in time. For, despite the huge amounts of discussion currently going on within the medical and complementary communities regarding evidence based treatments, standards and training, the really crucial thing that matters is whether you, the patient, get relief from your suffering and are restored to health.

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