Editorial Issue 147 Print Email

In all the years since Positive Health (PH) has been established, one key area which has never ceased to astonish me has been the vastly differing areas of perception regarding diverse complementary disciplines among the enormously varied community of health professionals.

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Editorial Issue 7 Print Email

I am starting to hate the term "Complementary Medicine". I am sick and tired of watching television programmes with either serious investigative reporters intent upon warning the public of charlatan frauds, thereby wreaking paranoid havoc and driving genuine practitioners to seek redress in the courts, or comedic over-the-top exposés of so-called complementary medicine - everything from belly-dancing for healing to witch doctors' charms to catch your lover.

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Editorial Issue 6 Print Email

Sober yet inspirational. Former US Congressman Berkley Bedell, speaking to the New York State Assembly's Committees on Higher Education and Health, (pages 7-9), minces no words in vividly describing his personally successful yet low cost unconventional treatments for Lyme Disease and prostate cancer, and in describing the powerful domination of health care by the pharmaceutical and medical establishments. He laments and protests the vilification and disqualification of gifted physicians and researchers because they research or offer unconventional treatments to patients for whom conventional medicine offers no prospect of effective treatment.

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Editorial Issue 146 Print Email

At a time that we face a crisis in nutritional health and malnourishment in much of the population due to inadequate nutrition for hospital patients, junk foot diet habits and diminishing soil fertility, there is a concerted effort internationally from EU Directives, CODEX, and medical research scientists to severely restrict the availability and potency of nutritional supplements.

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Editorial Issue 145 Print Email

When I look at the Research Updates in this issue of Positive Health (PH) (please see pages 30-33), I see the tremendous progress made in the quality and nature of research investigations over the past 15 years since the launch of PH in 1994. Today there are vital and well-informed studies critiquing the methodology of researching Complementary Medicine compared with ‘conventional’ drug-based medical trials (see Fonnebo et al, page 30).

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