Editorial Issue 210 Print Email

Positive Health PH Online has always placed an important emphasis upon the environmental impact upon our health, publishing numerous editorial features over the decades describing mercury / dental toxicity, environmental toxins / sickness / clinical ecology / allergies, electrosensitivity / electromagnetic stress/ damaged / depleted soil / chemical toxicities in personal care products / fragrances.


PH Online Issue 210 continues in this tradition, with a series of articles, including the cover Story, a Case Study regarding a patient with extreme electrosensitivity, detailing the effects of geoengineering on climate and individual health:



“A world-wide program is underway to control the weather since the mid-90s..It is called GEOENGINEERING or SRM (Solar Radiation Management) and originally: chemtrailing… Chemtrails and the new chembombs full of aluminium, barium and strontium nanobits are laid by tanker jets in front of and in the storms…You can tell the clouds are HAARPed  (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) because of the crenellations and microwaved appearance…Chem haze disperses into our offshore fog…

“Months go by that we cannot awake, even one day, without feeling like death dug up and not even warmed over…we were experiencing chem flu, the body’s reaction to the aluminium, barium, strontium and other nanobits of chemicals reaching the ground. Chem flu differs somewhat from person to person as our immune systems react according to the individual’s tolerance, but usually the symptoms start with nausea, ‘wooziness’ (intense dizziness and disorientation - like being on a ship in high seas), burning sinus pain, often asthma attacks and sometimes bloody nose, piercing joint pain and muscle weakness. Men begin to have chest pain, women will have gripping PMS or their menses. This progresses over the next few days to extreme exhaustion, sore throat, fungal infections, and finally, if you haven’t been doing rigorous detoxifying - a full-blown ‘flu’.”


Morgellon. Never heard of it! Until I was forced to find my own cause, prevention and possible control of the terrible lesions and more that were affecting my body since 2007. They never went away, they never healed and they are a constant torture. I sought medical professionals, special clinics, specialists and biopsies. Believe me, I was on this before I could even fathom what it was. No one told me what it was, what caused it. I heard a lot of “could be’s” and “unknown irritant”. I tried everything they told me to control or treat it; most treatments made things horribly worse. I was told it was my fault. I wasn’t taking the medication properly or self-mutilating myself. The most outrageous one yet; that every time I had an emotional reaction, there was a chemical reaction that would happen in my brain, and the lesions were the end result!...

“When our body recognizes toxic elements in our system, it compresses the toxins into a solid, which causes less damage to the body’s cells. The body expels solids through the endocrine system, skin, sweat, urine, and stool. It compensates to overcome, repair and survive by design through millions of years of perfection, from the very first cell.

“This interruption of the natural flow of biological functions initiates a chain reaction, which affects the blood cells, causing changes leading to illnesses, diseases and autoimmune issues, which leads to a systematic breakdown of the biological body, depending on the current state of one’s health, oxidation type, stage of stress, mineral ratio and other factors that affect and change the terrain of the individual…”


Other features in Issue 210 which may be be included in the environmental health categories include: Thyroid Function Part II: Fluoride and Cholesterol, Living Soils - 'Re-Dressing the Balance' and Seaweed in the Daily Diet and Nutrition




We publish Promising Cancer Treatments that Target our Immune System which provides a pictorial snapshot, referenced to the scientific literature, of potentially useful cancer treatments. This is part of our ongoing commitment to feature leading-edge alternative cancer treatments to illustrate the innovative range of approaches which are not inside the remit or expertise of conventional oncologists who are confined by draconian law to only prescribing either surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

“The ‘War on Cancer’ commonly includes radical surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, procedures which often lead to the death of patients. Advances in out-of-the-box medical procedures utilizing proven natural remedies have exploited the innate efficacy of our immune system to fight cancer with  minimal risks to cancer patients.”


A multitude of other editorial features spanning the spectrum from Healing to Bodywork include articles about Healers and Intuitives, Standing Meditation and Bodywork features about Manipulation to the Foot, Cranial Osteopathic Treatment, Fitness Goals to a Review of the 20th Global Inspiration [Breathing] Conference.

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