The Editor of this substantive, weighty, yet inspiring book, Jennifer Barraclough, deserves congratulations in putting together an incredibly diverse groups of contributors, including Rosy Daniel, Tony and Ann Neate, George Lewith and Julian Kenyon, Heather Goodare, Sally Baldwin, Michael Baum, Beata Bishop, Catherine Zollman and myself, not to mention a cast of numerous other specialists from many varied disciplines.

The Editor of this substantive, weighty, yet inspiring book, Jennifer Barraclough, deserves congratulations in putting together an incredibly diverse groups of contributors, including Rosy Daniel, Tony and Ann Neate, George Lewith and Julian Kenyon, Heather Goodare, Sally Baldwin, Michael Baum, Beata Bishop, Catherine Zollman and myself, not to mention a cast of numerous other specialists from many varied disciplines.
Academically oriented and hence geared to professional cancer healthcarers, there is a wealth of information, particularly in chapters devoted to describing the history and development of various seminal approaches to cancer treatment – acupuncture, aromatherapy, art therapy, healing, homeopathy, music therapy, hypnosis, guided imagery and meditation and psychospiritual therapy.
Additionally there are highly informative chapters regarding research, surgery, nursing approaches, paediatric care, nutrition and models of complementary care within the hospital setting.
Several of the contributors, themselves having suffered cancer, provide moving and insightful accounts of their experiences. In this category is the chapter by Robert Ross, who had adenoid cystic mouth cancer, and who combined his holistic treatment approach around the Bristol Cancer help Centre, writing satirical comedy, having Reiki treatments, eating organic fruit and vegetables and a very healthy diet, and practising visualization, relaxation, meditation, exercise and counselling. Perhaps the most powerful chapter in this book was by Sally and Edward Baldwin. Sally, diagnosed with a Grade II, Stage 3 infiltrating ductal breast carcinoma, and who had been basically sentenced to a quick death, described poignantly and exceedingly clearly her journey with the Gerson diet, even mentioning her initial errors with the therapy, which were corrected upon her visit to the Gerson Clinic in Mexico. Most readers of Positive Health will know Sally and her husband Edward, principal spokesman for complementary medicine in the House of Lords. He describes his role as Sally's research and information officer, as well as being her buffer against the world. Their story is difficult, with Sally still pursuing a variety of other treatments, including the Plaskett regime. (Sadly, Sally Baldwin passed away on 22 June 2001 - Ed.)
This book will be an invaluable addition to the bookshelf of cancer patients and their physicians.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Year: 2001 Format: Paperback Price: £0 isbn: ISBN 0-19-263095