Editorials 238 Print

Issue 238 of Positive Health PH Online features Lyme Disease as the cover story, cases of which are soaring / exploding in the UK and USA as well as articles across a wide spectrum of subjects, including mental / spiritual health, eczema, nutritional, metabolic and environmental issues, and physical, exercise, sleep and cycling. The wide selection of subjects embracing divergent points of view has been a constant rationale for PH Online, postulating that diversity rather than fixed opinions / solutions encourage more questioning of ‘authority’ and ‘experts’, who have, as we have all seen, not yet arrived at the correct answers to health problems.

trust and faith in the honesty and veracity of the Medical and Scientific Establishment which has sorely been undermined over the past >25 years, numerous examples of which have been cited in many Positive Health PH Online many articles, book reviews and elaborated in Editorials detailing poor clinical outcomes for conventional treatments and suggesting alternative natural treatment approaches across a wide spectrum of illnesses.

Having avidly watched the recent Truth About Vaccines 7-part documentary series produced by Ty Bollinger I have also been severely shocked and disillusioned regarding the true extent of constituent ‘adjuvant’ materials contained within many vaccines supposedly designed and manufactured to prevent disease and illness but which apparently may be responsible for serious possibly life-threatening diseases.

Senator Robert F Kennedy, in an interview on Fox News with Tucker Carlson discusses and explores environmental concerns regarding academic studies documenting statistics proving the association between vaccinations containing mercury and increased mortality. Senator Kennedy along with a panel of health professionals and other articulate public figures including Robert de Niro discuss potential links between vaccination and autism, the right to ask scientific questions, and offer $100k to anyone who can prove that mercury in vaccines is safe to administer to children. Senator Kennedy referred to the CDS as a “cesspool of corruption”. Listen to the video yourselves and see the enormous pile of published research papers - 6,100 - documenting the toxicity of mercury versus the studies which proved that mercury is safe - 0 papers.



Robert De Niro and Robert F Kennedy Jr offer $100k Vaccine Challenge

Here is an extract of what Dr Garry Gordon MD DO MD(H) “Garry Gordon and fact Forum" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. has said in an email regarding the safety of vaccinations:

“…I have listened to all 7 Two hour episodes and I find that until now I, LIKE YOU!, have been dangerously misinformed about the powerful research that clearly shows that the more vaccinations we receive, the more health problems we develop. There are MANY reasons for this but one is the Serious levels of Mercury or Aluminium that are still found in many vaccinations, even many that claim to be heavy metal free. This dangerous nonsense will soon have you wanting to join me in advocating to Seriously modify todays MANDATORY vaccines schedules, even if they want to restrict our type of work or prevent our child from going to school, or threatening to even taking the child from us if we do not comply!”…

In the PH Online Letters to the Editor Issue 238 are presented scientifically deceptive practices adopted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which caused polio cases to disappear by changing the definition and diagnostic parameters during the late 1950s prior to the introduction of the polio Salk vaccine. The CDC Made Two Radical Changes resulting in the disappearance of 30,000 Diagnoses of Polio. The graph referred to in this extract is from the Ratner report,[1] the transcript of a 1960 panel sponsored by the Illinois Medical Society, on which sat three PhD statisticians and an MD, met to discuss the problems with the ongoing polio vaccination campaign.

“Presently [1960], a community is considered to have an epidemic when it has 35 cases of polio per year per 100,000 population. Prior to the introduction of the Salk vaccine the National Foundation defined an epidemic as 20 or more cases of polio per year per 100,000 population. On this basis there were many epidemics throughout the United States yearly. The present higher rate has resulted in not a real, but a semantic elimination of epidemics….”

“…additional changes were made to the diagnostic parameters of the disease, changes involving analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and stool and additional testing,[2] each succeeding change making it less and less likely that a diagnosis of paralytic polio would result….”

“…The arbitrariness of the change in the diagnostic parameter of paralytic polio, from one day of paralysis to two months, resulting specifically in the elimination of all the cases represented by the striped portions of the bars in the graph, is remarkable….”

Another shocking revelation in PH Online Letters to the Editor Issue 238 concerned the depths of dishonesty contained within the 2015 Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) damning report about Homeopathy:

  • Formal complaint to Commonwealth Ombudsman details inaccuracies, mishandling of evidence, and conflicts of interest;
  • Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) now releases extensive analysis of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)’s misleading 2015 report - www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvF8KxbCXzA;
  • An anti-homeopathy effort scored an own-goal when NHMRC review violated the very scientific standards it sought to promote;
  • Fiasco highlighted in Just One Drop, a new film on the controversy over evidence for homeopathy’s effectiveness. 

The Alliance for Natural Health has posted a comprehensively referenced and authoritative article Should we still be worshipping at the altar of peer-reviewed science?:

“In January of this year, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published the results of a damning study that identified a systematic abuse of RCTs for evaluating the efficacy of drugs in 2013. From a random sample of 195 studies, a worryingly high 132 (68%) were found to include financial ties between the principal investigators and the pharmaceutical industry itself.

“The most conspicuous result in these findings lies in the high rate of positive outcomes from said ‘tainted’ RCTs, with 76% of the investigators with financial links pushing favourably for the drugs they were in charge of testing - 20 of which even reported having a patent related to the study drug in question. If this exposure cannot be taken as highly suggestive of bias within the established evidence base, how much more damage must be done before its trusted dependency is called into question?...”


The above make sobering reading; we are all passionately committed to truth and the health of our children and our own health and must remain so. As in all aspects of life where caveat emptor applies, you must be your own best arbiter of your health and continue to read widely, question perceived medical wisdom, don’t necessarily believe experts and what you may read. We must continue to be courageous in the search for safe and effective healthcare.