Further events occurred which propelled me toward the publishing world, including the publication of the erroneous research paper by Chilvers et al which alleged that women with cancer attending Bristol Cancer Help Centre (BCHC) were more likely to die than those receiving standard treatment. The prominence of this (it was the lead item on the evening news), followed by the tragic suicide by lead researcher, when the research was discovered to be flawed, led to BCHC’s determination to set out Bristol’s approach on a more scientific basis. A meeting of nutritional and clinical specialists was called at the then Bristol Cancer Help Centre (BCHC), which led to my authoring of the paper Nutritional and Lifestyle Guidelines for People with Cancer, published in J Nutr Med 4(2): 199-214. 1994.
Mike and I were having experiencing hard times and considering opening a sandwich bar. Upon hearing this, Pat Pilkington, the co-founder of BCHC, managed to organize and fund a project for me to set up a database of published research in Nutrition and Cancer. This involved setting up a database of some 5000 research papers from Medline in 1993. An invitation to contribute features to the then Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM) led to 12 articles serialized for about 1 years, which led to my book Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art.
A chance remark by Mike Howell while in a café that this kind of research wasn’t generally available for health practitioners or general readers led to the launch of our new journal Health: State-of-the-Art, followed by Positive Health magazine the following year.